Science Advisor & Representative
Reputable & Trusted Source of Western Scientific Expertise
We provide technical scientific support when you are engaged in discussions and decisions related to the environment.

Meetings, Workshops & Information Sessions
Technical support & representation before, during, and after meetings when land and resource decisions are being discussed and made.

We assist you with technical and environmental issues during negotiations and agreements related to development projects

Expert Witness Testimony
Credible and defensible testament and evidence, given on your behalf, during regulatory hearings for proposed projects.
Featured Projects – Expert Witness Hearings
Alberta Energy Regulatory Hearing for the Proposed Syncrude Mildred Lake Extension Project (January 2019)
MSES provided expert testimony at the AER hearing based on our reports measuring the change in landcover disturbance over time in the Syncrude Regional Study Area to understand how those changes could impact terrestrial resources. We also investigated water and sediment impacts from oil sands operations and identified concerns with Syncrude’s water quality assessment for the MLX.
Alberta Energy Regulator Hearing for the Proposed Prosper Rigel Project (January 2018)
MSES completed a landscape disturbance analysis which provided empirical measurement of the change in habitat availability for moose, caribou, and the fisher/marten group and completed population viability analyses for moose and caribou at multiple scales. MSES personnel provided expert witness testimony at the Alberta Energy Regulator hearing for the proposed Prosper Rigel Project on behalf of the Fort McKay First Nation.
Hearing for the NGTL Towerbirch Expansion Project – Expert Witness for Wildlife and Vegetation on behalf of West Moberly First Nations (2016)
AER Regulatory Hearing for the TCPL Grand Rapids Project – Expert Witness for Wildlife, Vegetation and Water Quality, on behalf of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (2014)
Hearing for the Nova Gas North Montney Project– Expert Witness for Wildlife, on behalf of Saulteaux First Nations (2014)
Joint Review Panel Hearing for the Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion & Pierre River Mine Project (2012)
MSES completed a landscape disturbance analysis which provided empirical measurement of the change in habitat availability for moose, bison, beaver and waterfowl on behalf of the Mikisew Cree First Nation. The JRP found that MSES’s “evidence helped the Panel’s understanding of the likelihood that Shell’s proposed mitigation would effectively reclaim upland vegetation in the closure landscape.”
Featured Projects – Science Advisor
Advisor for the Caribou Recovery Pilot Project (Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA)) (2016 – 2017)
MSES provided western science expertise to support Fort McMurray First Nation (FMFN) participation and contribution to the siting, design, construction, and operation of a proposed caribou recovery pilot project (fenced caribou enclosure) in their traditional territory.
Advisor for the Indigenous Review Group (formerly Aboriginal Review Group (ARG)) for the JACOS Hangingstone Project (2002 – 2018)
The Aboriginal Review Group (ARG) was established to provide ongoing Aboriginal feedback and input during and following the JACOS Hangingstone Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA). Since the groups’ inception, MSES has provided third-party review and advisory services related to the project’s regulatory applications and environmental documents.
Advisor for the Ronald Lake Bison Research Herd Technical Team, for the Teck Frontier Energy Project, on behalf of First Nation and Métis participants (2014 – present)
In the face of potential development pressures, Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) established a multi-stakeholder team to oversee directed research with the intent to improve the understanding of the Ronald Lake bison herd biology and movements. MSES acts as a science advisor to Indigenous communities during and outside of Ronald Lake Bison Herd Research Technical Team meetings.
Member of the Government of Alberta Panel for Regional Plans (2017 – present)
Advice and Review related to the Diavik Diamond Mine, on behalf of the Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board (North West Territory) (2013 – present)
MSES reviewed ecological monitoring reports for the Diavik Diamond Mine (DDM) project and provided expert analysis and plain language briefings and advice to the Board. MSES assisted the company, regulators, and affected communities to integrate and balance issues such as data quality, cost effectiveness and the community’s preferred approach to data collection.
“[the MSES expert witnesses’] participation helped the Panel’s understanding of the potential effects of the Project … [MSES’s] evidence helped the Panel’s understanding of the likelihood that Shell’s proposed mitigation would effectively reclaim upland vegetation in the closure landscape.” – Alberta Energy Regulator, Jackpine Mine Expansion Hearing